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Research on the Dynamic Evolution Behavior of Group Loitering Air Vehicles

 oraz    | 08 sie 2016



LAV (loitering air vehicles) is an advanced weapon system, which can loitering in the air over the targets area, detect and acknowledge the targets, and then attack them. It comes out with the development of UAV and munitions [1]. LAVs are being used for military tasks, such as reconnaissance, classification, electronic attack or as munitions in the battle [2]. The group LAVs has better ability to accomplishing the task than group independent LAVs through synergy. Through cooperation the team can reconfigure its distribution architecture to minimize the performance degradation to such expected failures. Such cooperation should take advantage of the global information, resource management capabilities available to the group [3].

Interest in using group LAVs as platforms for scientific instruments has been growing in the past few years. However, the current study, whether for its cooperation from automatic organization or conscious cooperation, are both carried out only for a specific problem, Lin realizes the incapability of the classical Nash strategy approach in dealing with the distributed UAV formation [4], Flight formation is investigated in reference [5-7]. Flight In reference [8], the model of multi-agents dynamic group is applied to cooperative task allocation. Cooperative task allocation problem is discussed using game theory [9]. Lanah, Ana, Herman and Albert [10] consider the online stochastic UAV mission planning problem with time windows and time-sensitive targets using are-planning approach. Target tracking is discussed in reference [11], and many others [12-19].

In this paper we focus on integrated Reconnaissance/Strike LAV, which is designed to operate as a pack of vehicles that search, confirm and attack targets. Such as WASP, LOCAAS, Those are developed by Lockheed Martin. While much attention is given to the engineering and technological for these weapons systems, there are few researchers on operational for effectiveness and efficiency. Firstly, the collaboration behavior of the Group LAVs system is described starting from the cooperative mechanism and the basic properties. Then the differential model based on the state transition was established with the finite state machine. Finally, the model was solved with fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and analyzes how the key technology quota of LAV impact on the operational effectiveness of Group LAVs. This provides the necessary theoretical basis to design and analyze the cooperative behaviour of group LAVs system.

Problem formulation and analysis
The behaviors in the process of cooperative combat

In this paper we focus on integrated Reconnaissance/Strike LAV, so LAV can be in one of four possible situations: search, attack, BDA or removed. LAV is always being searching if it has not acquired a real target until it was destroy. While LAV discovers a target it attempts to identify if it is a real target. If the target is an unreal target, the LAV moves on with its search. If the target is a real target, The LAV attacks it. Once a LAV enters an attack stage, it cannot go back to the any other stage. A LAV may fail with enemy’s air defense or technical failure or accident [1].

The combat mission constraints and rules of conduct of their behaviour are as follows:

(1) Judge the physical constraints of LAV [20], if the LAV meets physical characteristics and communication capability, it will form the Group LAVs, and perform a search mission;

(2) When obstacles, threats of enemy air defence weapons appear, The LAVs select obstacle avoidance, hedge bypass;

(3) When the target enters the visual field of the LAV, using information fusion and processing technology on the target judgment, can perform strike missions against the enemy targets;

(4) When perform strike missions against the enemy targets, can perform damage assessment against the enemy targets;

(5) When finish performing damage assessment task against the enemy targets , can perform the next round of decision.

Probability analysis based on state transformation

Let vector δk(t):k=1,2,,K$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle {{\vec \delta _k}(t):k = 1,2, \ldots ,K} \end{array}$ denote the task status of Group LAVs at time t. In order to obtain the probability of the state transition, the configuration equation of group LAVs system is derived, which is described as follows:

N=k=1KNkδk(t),$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \vec N = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K {{N_k}{{\vec \delta }_k}(t)}, \end{array}$$

where Nk is the number of LAVs at the state k and N$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \vec N \end{array}$ is the distribution in each state of Group LAVs system.

Suppose that the probability distribution of group LAVs system state is P(n,t) at time t. Then at time t + τ, the probability distribution is P(n,t + τ). Define Wt(η, n) as the transition probability density from state η to state n in unit time during time interval [t,t + τ]. So the transition probability from state η to state n during time interval [t,t + τ] is τWt(η, n). According to [20], the primary equation model as follows:

dP(n,t)dt={W(η,n)P(η,t)W(n,η)P(n,t)}dη.$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \frac{{dP(n,t)}}{{dt}} = \int {\left\{ {W(\eta ,n)P(\eta ,t) - W(n,\eta )P(n,t)} \right\}d} \eta. \end{array}$$

In order to obtain evolution equation under the statistical average, we can get the state time evolution equation as follows:

tn=ntnP(n,t)dn=n{W(n,n)P(n,t)W(n,n)P(n,t)}dndn=(nn)W(n,n)P(n,t)dndn=nW(n,n)nW(n,n)dn.$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \begin{split} \frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\left\langle {\vec n} \right\rangle &= \frac{{\partial \vec n}}{{\partial t}}\int {\vec n{\rm{ }}P(\vec n,t)} {\rm{ }}d\vec n\\ &= \int {\vec n\int {\left\{ {W\left( {\vec n',\vec n} \right){\rm{ }}P(\vec n',t) - W\left( {\vec n,\vec n'} \right){\rm{ }}P(\vec n,t)} \right\}} } {\rm{ }}d\vec n'd\vec n\\ &= \int {\int {\left( {\vec n' - \vec n} \right)} } {\rm{ }}W\left( {\vec n',\vec n} \right){\rm{ }}P(\vec n,t){\rm{ }}d\vec n'd\vec n\\ &= \left\langle {\int {\vec n'W\left( {\vec n',\vec n} \right) - \vec nW\left( {\vec n',\vec n} \right)d\vec n'} } \right\rangle. \end{split} \end{array}$$

So it easy to verify that process of the state transition is a stability Markov chain. And it has some notation as following:

λij–the average sustained rate of form state i to state j.

pij–the transition probability from state i to state j and satisfied equation jiPij=1$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \sum\limits_{j \ne i} {{P_{ij}}} = 1 \end{array}$.

λij = 0–the state i is a transient state, once the process enters this state immediately leave.

λij = ∞–the state i is an absorbing state; once the process enters this state will never leave.

Obviously, the last state of the LAV is an absorbing state.

Theorem 1

Let pij be the transition probability density from task state i to state ji, jI, where I is a set of LAVs task. Then pij is a consistent continuous function at time t.

Proof. Generally, assuming ∀t > 0,

Pij(t+Δt)Pij(t)=kIPik(Δt)Pkj(t)Pij(t)=Pii(Δt)Pij(t)Pij(t)+kIPik(Δt)Pkj(t)$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle {P_{ij}}(t + \Delta t) - {P_{ij}}(t) = \sum\limits_{k \in I} {{P_{ik}}(\Delta t)} {P_{kj}}(t) - {P_{ij}}(t) = {P_{ii}}(\Delta t){P_{ij}}(t) - {P_{ij}}(t) + \sum\limits_{k \in I} {{P_{ik}}(\Delta t)} {P_{kj}}(t) \end{array}$$

Thus we can obtain,

(Pii(Δt)1)Pij(t+Δt)Pij(t)=(Pii(Δt)1)Pij(t)+kIPik(Δt)Pkj(t)(1Pii(Δt))$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \left( {{P_{ii}}(\Delta t) - 1} \right) \le {P_{ij}}(t + \Delta t) - {P_{ij}}(t) = \left( {{P_{ii}}(\Delta t) - 1} \right){P_{ij}}(t) + \sum\limits_{k \in I} {{P_{ik}}(\Delta t)} {P_{kj}}(t) \le \left( {1 - {P_{ii}}(\Delta t)} \right) \end{array}$$


|Pij(t+Δt)Pij(t)|(1Pii(Δt))$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \left| {{P_{ij}}(t + \Delta t) - {P_{ij}}(t)} \right| \le \left( {1 - {P_{ii}}(\Delta t)} \right) \end{array}$$

Because the state is not a transient state. Therefore, the transition probability satisfies regularity conditions:

limt0Pij(t)={1,i=j0,ij$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to 0} {P_{ij}}(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 1,i = j\\ 0,i \ne j \end{array} \right. \end{array}$$

Then we have the conclusion as follows:

limΔt0|Pij(t+Δt)Pij(t)|=0.$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \mathop {\lim }\limits_{\Delta t \to 0} \left| {{P_{ij}}\left( {t + \Delta t} \right) - {P_{ij}}\left( t \right)} \right| = 0. \end{array}$$

Accordingly, pij is a consistent continuous function at time t.

Mathematical model and analysis of system
Mathematical model of the system based on the state-transition

To the best knowledge of the authors, the finite state machine model was established under the assumptions stated in the following.

(1) LAVs are two-way information exchange via data link;

(2) The time of translation state form one task to another task is exponential distribution;

(3) The parameters of encountered obstacles during combat threats are random variable; Differential equation model was established using finite state machine automatically.

{dNS(t)dt=1λAνNAS(t)+1λBDANBDA(t)αsNS(t)NT(t)αAsNS(t)(NS(t)+C).dNAν(t)dt=1λAνNAν(t)+αAANA(t)(NA(t)+C)+αAsNS(t)(NS(t)+C)+αABNBDA(t)(NBDA(t)+C).dNA(t)dt=αsNS(t)NT(t)1λANA(t).dNBDA(t)dt=αABNAB(t)1λBDANBDA(t)+αABNBDA(t)(NBDA(t)+C).dNT(t)dt=αsNS(t)NT(t).$$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\frac{{d{N_S}(t)}}{{dt}} = \frac{1}{{{\lambda _{A\nu }}}}{N_{AS}}(t) + \frac{1}{{{\lambda _{BDA}}}}{N_{BDA}}(t) - {\alpha _s}{N_S}(t){N_T}(t) - {\alpha _{As}}{N_S}(t)({N_S}(t) + C).} \hfill \\ {\frac{{d{N_{A\nu }}(t)}}{{dt}} = - \frac{1}{{{\lambda _{A\nu }}}}{N_{A\nu }}(t) + {\alpha _{AA}}{N_A}(t)({N_A}(t) + C) + {\alpha _{As}}{N_S}(t)({N_S}(t) + C) + {\alpha _{AB}}{N_{BDA}}(t)({N_{BDA}}(t) + C).} \hfill \\ {\frac{{d{N_A}(t)}}{{dt}} = {\alpha _s}{N_S}(t){N_T}(t) - \frac{1}{{{\lambda _A}}}{N_A}(t).} \hfill \\ {\frac{{d{N_{BDA}}(t)}}{{dt}} = {\alpha _{AB}}{N_{AB}}(t) - \frac{1}{{{\lambda _{BDA}}}}{N_{BDA}}(t) + {\alpha _{AB}}{N_{BDA}}(t)({N_{BDA}}(t) + C).} \hfill \\ {\frac{{d{N_T}(t)}}{{dt}} = - {\alpha _s}{N_S}(t){N_T}(t).} \hfill \\ \end{array}\right. \end{array}$$

Parameters Notation: C is a constant and satisfied C = N + B, N is the Scale of the system, B is the scale of the obstacles, Ns(t) is the scale of group in the searching state at time t, N (t) is the scale of group in the avoiding state at time t, NA (t) is the scale of group in the attacking state at time t, NBDA (t) is the scale of group in the BDA state at time t, NT (t) is the scale of targets, λ, λlA, λBDA are the average time of Avoiding, Attacking, and BDA, resp., αS is the rate of searching a real target, and αAS, αAA, αAB are the rates of encounter obstacles on searching,attacking, and BDA.

Simulation and analysis

In order to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the differential equation model, which was solved by Runge-Kutta method, we chose NT = 80, λ=5min, λBDA=5min, and αAS, αAB, αAA ∊ [0, 1] are random variables. In order to analysis the impact of the design and operating parameters, we have established expected relative efficacy EL=E(x)NT$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle {E_L} = \frac{{E(x)}}{{{N_T}}} \end{array}$ and efficiency EN=E(x)N$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle {E_N} = \frac{{E(x)}}{N} \end{array}$.

Fig. 1 describes the number of task state with respect to time under different group scale. The group LAVs system reached a state of equilibrium after a period of the game. The scale of the group will affect the operational efficacy and efficiency. With the scale of the number larger, targets decay faster, and it has higher efficacy. When the system reaches a certain scale, the efficiency is reduced.

Fig. 1

The number of task state with respect to time at different scale.

Fig. 2 describes the number of task state with respect to time at different Probability of detecting the target value. Obviously with the success probability to detect valuable targets bigger, the number of damaging enemy targets is larger, the higher its operational effectiveness. Success probability of detecting the target value is a very important factor.

Fig. 2

The number of task state with respect to time at different probability of detecting the target value.

Fig. 3 displays the number of task states with respect to time at different attack time. We can see that shorten time to attack enemy targets in LAV, the operational tasks whose time is shortened accordingly, but the combat effectiveness impact is not great.

Fig. 3

The number of task state with respect to time at different attack time.


(1) The model for cooperative behavior of the group LAVs, which is described with finite state machine by the rate equation for probability analysis. It can describe the dynamics of group behavior with the time.

(2) The model of finite state machine based on behavior state transition is proposed according to the missions of integration of reconnaissance, attack, and damage effectiveness evaluation. We can analyze how the key technology quota of LAV impact on the operational effectiveness of Group LAVs.

This provides the necessary theoretical basis to design and analyze the combat efficacy of group LAVs system.

Częstotliwość wydawania:
2 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics