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Mobile marketing in the process of building value for generation Y on the tourist market


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20 In 2018 75% of global Internet consumption will take place on mobile devices and 60% of spending on Internet advertising will be allocated to the mobile segment. The spending on mobile advertising is supposed to reach USD134bn in 2018, which is more than total spending on advertisements in journals, magazines and outdoor advertising - data based on the research of media house Zenith (viewed 10.10.2017 r.)Search in Google Scholar

21 The application of this scale in the survey was a kind of special treat for the respondents - representatives of generation Y, who regard "likes" as a measure of popularity and are "their main currency" in the virtual environment.Search in Google Scholar

22 Poles' low awareness of the QR technology has been shown by, among others, the results of Research.NK and Socializer surveys. Commenting on the results of research, the president of the management of Socializer even concluded that QR codes are more of a popular tool among marketing specialists, than value for consumers and predicted that the "era of QR codes won't arrive here" and QR codes will slowly be replaced by more developed technologies e.g. geolocation technologies combined with image recognition (the photograph of a product will enable the client to obtain information about the product, which additionally will be targeted according to his location), (viewed 10.10.2017 r.).Search in Google Scholar

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25 Mobile application is defined as software working on mobile devices. There are many types and classifications of mobile applications. Most often they are divided according to application and functionality (e.g. banking applications, games, business applications, information applications etc.), price (paid, free, freemium) or availability (client applications - created to satisfy the needs of the clients, which connect to a special server on the Internet (requiring access to the Internet), or independent applications which need no access to the Internet, dictionary of mobile marketing terms, (viewed 20.09.2017 r.).Search in Google Scholar

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