Otwarty dostęp

Jose Donoso, The Obscene Bird of Night: Between the End of the World and the End of the Text


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Antonio Cornejo Polar, Introduccion, în José Donoso, la destrucción de un mundo, Buenos Aires, ed. Fernando Garcia Cambeiro, 1975. Search in Google Scholar

Pamela May Finnegan, The Tension of Paradox. José Donoso’s „The Obscene Bird of Night” as Spiritual Exercises, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Athens, 1992. Search in Google Scholar

Lois Parkinson Zamora, Narrar el apocalipsis. La vision historica en la literatura estadounidiense y latinoamericana, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1996. Search in Google Scholar

Angielski, Niemiecki, Francuski