
I Rueda
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
I Banegas
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
I Prieto
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
R Wangensteen
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
AB Segarra
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
AB Villarejo
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain
M De Gasparo
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Syndrome Adviser, Rossemaison, Switzerland
JD Luna
Department of Biostatistic, Medical School, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
F Vives
Instituto de Neurociencia ‘Federico Oloriz’, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
M Ruiz-Bailen
Intensive Care Unit, Critical Care and Emergency Department, Medical-Surgical University Hospital of the Jaen Hospital Complex
M Ramirez-Sanchez
Unit of Physiology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jaen, Spain