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Relational Aspects between ICT and the Modernization of Differentiated and Individualized Teaching of Foreign Languages in Higher Education



The amplitude of the interest and of the concerns related to the identification and the setting of the foundation necessary for perfecting higher education increasingly brings the adjustment of didactic activities to the students’ particularities to the attention of educational theory and practice, with a view to forming and developing their personality.

The necessity and utilization of differentiating learning through modern methods specific to an efficient didactic methodology requires the adaptation of higher education to new modalities of organization and development, combined with knowledge adjusted to the particularities of the students’ personality. The rethinking and reconsideration of the didactic activities from this perspective also benefits from the opportunities provided by the facilities of the new scientific breakthroughs in the field of technology. Therefore, making differentiated and individualized instruction efficient by using advanced technologies represents one of the challenges of updating teaching foreign languages within higher education. Being a major component, the information and communications technology (ICT) opens new and significant opportunities, as well solutions for enhancing the level of the outcomes obtained by students in the differentiated and individualized education of foreign languages. Approaching several aspects specific to the implementation of ICT in the didactic activities pertains to the theoretical, methodological and praxiological preoccupations that aim at diversifying and increasing the obvious advantages offered by differentiated instruction in higher education.
