À propos de cet article


In recent years, at the European level, electronic sales have gained major importance in the whole commodity trading process. After 1994, for the first time, commercial websites appeared, which brought about the expansion of electronic commerce. Therefore today, the notion of the market has become a global network as a result of improved payment systems, cost reduction, after-sales service development, and significant direct marketing influence.Therefore, a concerted effort is needed at national level to increase information and knowledge resources, including by allocating additional funds to the IT infrastructure, as well as by educating and training the population in the field of informatics. In this paper, we focused on the description of electronic commerce trends in Romania, based on the secondary data provided by the National Institute of Statistics. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study of the different statistical techniques: the graph method, the structural modification method, as well as the regression and correlation methods (ANOVA), used to describe the new trends of the Romanian commercial technologies. The main conclusion of the paper was that there is a significant correlation between the macroeconomic indicators that characterize the electronic commerce in Romania. Thus, the evolution of the average number of employees in the ICT sector as the resultant variable is influenced at the level of Romania by the macroeconomic indicators that characterize the electronic commerce as the component of the IT market.
