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Nordic Journal of Media Studies

A journal published by Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
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About the journal

Established in 2019, Nordic Journal of Media Studies is published once a year, and each volume focuses on a particular theme of media research. The journal is published by Nordicom, a centre for Nordic media and communication research at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The journal is supported by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS). 

Nordic Journal of Media Studies follows a double-blind peer review process where all submitted manuscripts are made anonymous and judged by at least two independent and external anonymous scholars appropriate for the subject. Reviewers are asked to state their recommendation about whether the article should be published when submitting their review. Reviewers are also encouraged to provide comments that are for editors only, including concerns about misconduct or problems adequately assessing all parts of the manuscript. Reviewers are requested to disclose any potential conflict of interest. The comments provided by the reviewers inform the decision of the editorial team to publish or refuse the submission. Each issue is edited by different members of the editorial team, which may include invited external guest editors.

Aims & scope

Nordic Journal of Media Studies is a peer reviewed international publication dedicated to media research. The journal is a meeting place for Nordic, European, and global perspectives on media studies. 

The editors stress the importance of innovative and interdisciplinary research, and welcome contributions on both contemporary developments and historical topics. The journal is open for theoretical contributions and empirical research, and combinations thereof. The editors also welcome critical approaches to media studies addressing questions of power, inequality, participation, and voice.   

Nordic Journal of Media Studies focuses on the interplay between the media and their cultural and social contexts. We are interested in the media as industries and institutions of modern society, but also in how they are woven into the fabric of everyday life as mobile and interactive technologies. 

The emergence of new social networks, changes in political communication, intensified datafication and surveillance of human interaction, and new dynamics between media, popular culture, as well as commercial markets, are important aspects of the changing relationship between the media, culture, and society.

Publications ethics and publication malpractice statement

Nordic Journal of Media Studies applies several editorial policies that all editors, reviewers, and authors are expected to adhere to throughout the publication process. These policies are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. In instances where these editorial policies are breached, COPE guidelines will be followed.
