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The journal is published by RTU in collaboration with two partner universities in the Baltic Region - Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania).

The objectives of the journal are to extend the fundamental knowledge of real estate market and civil construction and to provide information that would help the industry practitioners and entrepreneurs, as well as academic staff to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of real estate and construction market. We invite authors publish their articles in the journal, reflecting the topical research that would be useful for making business decisions in such areas as sustainable development and management of sound environment, devoting special attention to real estate and construction market analyses and assessment.

Peer review process

All manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review by two internationally recognised experts. Article undergoes the double-blind peer review process after the evaluation of article according to the general requirements of the BJREECM Journal and after passing the CrossCheck plagiarism test procedures.

Peer review process may take up to one month (average). The average term, given to the reviewer, are two weeks, but, some delays are possible. In case the topic of the article is very specific, and delay in the review process may happen, but the aim is to provide the review results to authors as soon as possible – in one month, or earlier. Fees for reviewers are not practiced.

Reviewers should make reviews objectively. Personal criticism of author(s) should be avoided. Information received in the review process is confidential from scientific, legal and ethical points of view.

Corrections to the article can be suggested to the author also before the peer review stage by the Editorial Team. Resulting evaluation of the article can be as follows: accept, accept with minor corrections, accept only after corrections and repeated review, refuse. If not sufficient corrections have been done by authors after receiving the review, where some corrections to the article were asked, the Editor-in-Chief has the right to reject the article.

The Editor-in-Chief makes a decision on the article publication based on minimum two referee reviews. Documents, such as a preface etc., should not be peer-reviewed.

The confidentiality of authors and reviewers is ensured in the double-blind peer review process.

Post-publication discussions and corrections

Post-publication discussions and correction opportunities are in the process of development and discussion. Technical corrections in affiliations, ORCID iD numbers and some other information (spelling mistakes etc.) are possible. Post-publication discussion can be done by contacting the corresponding author directly or the Journal editors by The opportunity to add supplementary files after online publication of an article (e.g., publication of additional files with data), is not practiced yet in the Journal.

Why subscribe and read

The journal articles reflect diverse research results concerning real estate sector, related sectors and interacting branches of science in the context of contemporary market development, which allows classifying the journal in the category of interdisciplinary scientific journals. The Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management covers the following research directions:

  • built environment;
  • real estate valuation and development;
  • real estate policy, investments and management methodology;
  • legal framework of real estate and construction industries;
  • trends in residential management;
  • energy efficiency and performance of buildings;
  • renewable energy sources, engineering systems and novel indoor climate solutions;
  • sustainability and circular economy in real estate and building industry;
  • information and smart technologies in real estate and building industry;
  • urban engineering and economy;
  • urban landscape and smart built environment;
  • development and cost estimation in civil construction;
  • social, economic and political aspects of built environment;
  • innovative building designs and materials;
  • land use management;
  • other related fields.

Why submit

All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review by two internationally recognised experts. The journal has neither article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.


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Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Journal history

Currently known as: Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management (2013 - current).
Vol. 2019 (7), Vol. 2018 (6), Vol. 2017 (5), Vol. 2016. (4), Vol. 2015 (3) are available at (Issues)
Vol. 2014 (2) is available at
Vol. 2013 (1) is available at
Formerly known as: Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Development, ISSN 2243-6030 (2011 - 2012)