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Particularities of public-private partnership in the social field of the republic of Moldova


The evolution between the state institutions and entrepreneurship relations in developed and developing countries has proved that their constructive interaction is the most important factor for successful socio-economic development. The constantly growing gap between the needs of the population for public services, infrastructure, requirements for them, and budget constraints led to the development of partnership relations between the state and business structures. Most often, the interaction between business and state institutions is found in such areas as state property management, regional development, the real estate market, infrastructure support on technological development, transport infrastructure, utilities, medical and educational services. But to a greater degree public-private partnership, especially in the form of a concession, is applied in the field of transport and directly in road construction and we would like to emphasize that this practice is quite broad with rich experience. Interest in PPP mechanisms in other areas of activity is primarily due to the budget deficit. Without attracting the resources and potential of the institution of entrepreneurship, it is impossible to solve the task of developing a particular socially significant sphere in the context of a lack of budgetary resources. Therefore, taking into account the condition of the Republic of Moldova social sphere, more interesting is the issue of the extension of PPPs in the public sector. Therefore, the article is dedicated to features, tools and tendencies identification of public-private partnership in the social field within the Republic of Moldova.
