
Today, more than ever, our society has become obsessed with technology and people surround themselves with smart devices designed to improve their lifestyle. Communications have benefited of this rise of the gadgets the most, and reality shows that most adults in the urban environment own a smartphone with the help of which they can connect to the Internet. We would be tempted to state that the World Wide Web will change in the future into Human World Wide Web, but connecting to the Internet does not stop here. Vehicles, TV sets and other electronic devices or appliances have already started to be connected to the Internet, which makes it easier to believe that, in the future, we will live in a society where most devices around us will be interconnected to a global or even spatial network. This concept, which the academic world embraced as the Internet of Things, should be understood and accepted by society not only from the perspective of the deprivation of privacy it generates, but especially from the perspective of the insecurity, a possible result of this dependence on software and programs that can be remotely accessed and controlled.
