
The idea of elaborating this article came to me after reading over and over again the content of Art.2 paragraph (1) of the National Education Law no.1 / 2011, with subsequent amendments and completions, a very important normative act for the present, but especially for the future of Romania, according to which „The law aims to promote an education oriented on values, creativity, cognitive abilities, volitional abilities and action capacities, fundamental knowledge and competencies/skills and abilities of direct utility, in the professional life and in the society. Anyone who reads the content of Art.2 paragraph (1) is entitled to believe that the most efficient secondary and higher education in the world is taking place in Romania. Unfortunately, when reading and analyzing the content of Art.3, it can be seen quite easily that the principles governing secondary and higher education, as well as lifelong learning in Romania have a more declarative character, i.e. there is one thing written on paper and something else is happening in reality. I would like to continue to talk about this, with arguments, supported by my knowledge and experience in the field of education, starting with September 1979, when I first entered a classroom consisting of military students, from the highly flattering position of instructor and educator and until now, after a lifetime of working in classrooms, laboratories, amphitheatres and auditoriums of several military and civilian higher education institutions, in the honorary position of university professor doctor habilitat and chairman of the University Ethics Commission.