Open Access

Considerations Concerning the Necessity of Existence a Modern Military Information System in the Current Geopolitical and Geostrategic Context


The latest military actions carried out at global level have highlighted, besides the number, the quality and diversity of the participants in the multinational operations and the differences, not at all negligible, regarding the capabilities of these actors to participate in military actions characterized by a high technical level and technologically, but not only. One of the areas that generated a real lack of standardization, with obvious impact on the operational compatibility of the various participants was that of communications and informatics and, implicitly, of the insurmountable differences between different information subsystems as parts of the information systems of the multinational operations. From this perspective, it became evident that the performance of each participant in the military actions of a multinational character was and we consider that it will be permanently conferred by their technical ability to cope with the information avalanche and to integrate into the information system of the mission.