
The transformation processes of society in recent years, the transition to post industrialism and the knowledge society are all challenges for the education system and training. Along with providing access to education, to gain a highly qualified level, the relevance and quality of training of learners has become significant. In this context, quality assurance in vocational education and training, acquires new meanings and involving new institutional roles. Education more than any other area involves opening and to include social and cultural systems in all their complexity, their knowledge and analysis, comparison between forms of training between different educational systems, association and dissociation operated with lucidity and objectivity. Being a teacher means having a major awareness of responsibilities, shaping the young generation for the study, discovering their personal way, their vocation, their own sense in relation to world, profession, becoming the a human for society. The teacher cannot be trapped in an unique formula of education and cannot ignore the diversity of pedagogical approaches in teaching.
