
Neuro-linguistic programming (international acronym: NLP) contains a series of principles designed to identify and analyze patterns/models resulting from the analysis of personal development theories and models, one of the NLP goals being to combine their different abilities. Therefore, it is more about an awareness of theories and models, which the individual can follow to get performance in what he does. The principle of reasoning is no exception to this rule. The most well-known theory of motivation is the one proposed by S. Freud (a neuropsychiatrist) through his “pleasure principle“, generically called “motivation direction” in NLP, considered in his time the main motivation mechanism. at the same time, it is very important to separate the concept of NLP, in terms of motivation, from the motivational theories and models that postulate that motivation is essentially of a mechanical nature and is programmed through a series of repetitions and external stimuli. Multiple studies meant to support motivational theories and models have failed to take into consideration the numerous phenomena that are independent of external stimuli. Motivational theories are based on the premise that the individual is animated by intrapsychic potentials which managers and leaders must identify and find a concrete way to emphasize them.
