Open Access

Smart, Secure and Safe Energy Management Approach – An Education Framework Improving the Competence Grid of the Professionals in the Energy Sector


The paper presents evidence based brand new approach of the permanent rise of the competences and know-how transfer between researchers, teachers and professionals aiming to ensure the specific expertise of the human resources engaged in energy security management. The approach has a collaborative and integrative nature and relies on the hybridization between energy management, urban development planning, environmental management, civil protection, protection of critical infrastructure and the national security applied fields. The authors redefine the conventional understanding of the energy security by describing a practically oriented integrated approach of teaching energy security, based on 3 separately existing concepts: the concept for smart energy security grid, those for the smart cities and the standard operative procedures applied to energy security management. Smart, Secure and Safe Energy Management (3SEMA) is both behaviorally and technically oriented and presented in a circular chart, involving all actors on certain territory with the purpose to apply smart, secure and safe approach in governing the energy sector, taking into consideration the dynamic technological changes and the concept of intelligent urban use.
